Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je ispitati razlike u doživljaju kvalitete života i motivaciji za vježbanje adolescenata s obzirom na spol i indeks tjelesne mase te utvrditi metrijske karakteristike hrvatske verzije upitnika kvalitete života The kidscreen – 27. Uzorak čini 754 sudionika, 353 adolescentice i 401 adolescent (M dobŽ=15.57, M dobM=15.66). Kvaliteta života je procijenjena hrvatskom verzijom upitnika The Kidscreen – 27 kojeg čini 7 dimenzija: zabava i odnosi s prijateljima, raspoloženje i škola, zdravlje i tjelesna aktivnost, roditeljska podrška, emocije i raspoloženje, novac, slobodno vrijeme, koji se pokazao kao valjan i pouzdan mjerni instrument za procjenu ovog konstrukta. Utvrđeno je da je kvaliteta života adolescentica i adolescenata umjereno visoka, s tim da adolescenti nešto zadovoljniji svojim životom i svim njegovim odrednicama u odnosu na adolescentice. Također, adolescenti normalne tjelesne mase svoju kvalitetu života procjenjuju višom u odnosu na prekomjerno teške adolescente, a u oba slučaja od svih dimenzija kvalitete života najmanjim su ocjenama u prosjeku ocijenili dimenziju zadovoljstva vlastitim zdravljem i tjelesnom aktivnošću. . Motivacija za vježbanje je procijenjena hrvatskom verzijom upitnika EMI – 2 (Exercise motivation inventory – 2) kojeg čini 14 motiva: druženje, izgled, izazov, natjecanje, uživanje, izbjegavanje boli, spretnost, zdravlje, revitalizacija, društveni pritisak, društveno priznanje, snaga i izdržljivost, kontrola stresa, kontrola tjelesne mase. Utvrđena je slična struktura motivacije svih skupina u kojoj prevladava kombinacija intrinzičnih i ekstrinzičnih motiva umjerenog intenziteta. Od motiva koji adolescente ovog uzorka potiču na vježbanje najviše se ističu zdravlje, kontrola stresa i težine, a najmanje bi ih na vježbanje potakla potreba za preveniranjem bolesti i to što vježbanje doživljavaju kao izazov. Općenito se pokazalo da su adolescenti u prosjeku nešto motiviraniji za vježbanje u odnosu na adolescentice, što vrijedi i za one s normalnim indeksom tjelesne mase u odnosu na one s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study is to examine differences in experience of quality of life and motivation to exercise adolescents with regard to gender and body mass index, and to determine the metric characteristics of the Croatian version of the quality of life questionnaire „The Kidscreen - 27“. The sample consists of 754 participants, 353 male and 401 female adolescents (average age females = 15.57, average age males = 15.66).
The quality of life was assessed by the Croatian version of the questionnaire „The Kidscreen - 27“ which consists of seven dimensions: fun and relationships with friends, mood and school, health and physical activity, parental support, emotions and mood, money, leisure, which proved to be a valid and reliable measuring instrument for evaluating this construct. The quality of life of both female and male adolescents was found to be moderately high, with the males somewhat more satisfied with their lives and with all its determinants compared to the female participants. Also, normal-weight adolescents rate their quality of life higher than overweight adolescents, and in both cases of all life quality dimensions, on average, they rated their satisfaction with their health and physical activity with the lowest scores.
The motivation for exercises was assessed by the EMI – 2 questionnaire (Exercise motivation inventory – 2) which consists of 14 motives: affiliation, appearance, challenge, competition, enjoyment, ill – health avoidance, nimbleness, positive health, revitalization, social pressure, social recognition, strength and endurance, stress management and weight management. A similar motivation structure was found for all groups, with a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motives of moderate intensity. The motives that encourage adolescents the most to exercise in this sample are health, stress and weight control, and least likely to encourage them are the need to prevent illness and to view exercise as a challenge. In general, adolescent men have been found to be slightly more motivated to exercise compared to adolescent women, which is also true for those with a normal body mass index compared to those who are overweight. |