Author Petra Besednik
Mentor Renata Barić (mentor)
Committee member Renata Barić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Sertić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Segedi (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Dobar tjelesni status i tjelesna forma nisu preduvjeti dobrog sportskog rezultata. Visoki postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva u tijelu sportaša može znatno smanjiti sportske performanse, a često i narušiti zdravlje sportaša, iako ni mali postotak masti u organizmu sportaša nije poželjan. Masno tkivo u tijelu sportaša služi prvenstveno kao spremište energije koja se troši tijekom tjelesne aktivnosti, te služi kao izolacija tijelu. To je posebno važno tijekom treninga visokog intenziteta, kao što je
... More taekwondo borba, radi energije koja je potrebna tijekom odmora, ali i radi što bržeg oporavka sportaša. Međutim, u borilačkim sportovima česta je praksa manipulacije tjelesnom masom kako bi sportaš bio u nižoj težinskoj kategoriji na dan vaganja/natjecanja i tako si povećao šanse za pobjedu, boreći se, realno gledano, protiv tjelesno lakših, a često i fizički slabijih boraca. Ovakva praksa dugoročno može pokrenuti niz negativnih učinaka po mentalno i tjelesno zdravlje sportaša, no dio je 'sportske kulture', osobito u taekwondou.
Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati stavove i ponašanja taekwondo trenera vezano za redukciju tjelesne mase sportaša prije natjecanja i općenito. Sukladno tome postavljeni su sljedeći ciljevi istraživanja: 1. Ispitati postoje li razlike u stavovima i ponašanjima vezanim za redukciju tjelesne mase mlađih i starijih trenera te trenera različitog spola, razine obrazovanja, ranga osobne natjecateljske kvalitete i stila rukovođenja te s obzirom na dobi, spol i rang kvalitete natjecatelja koje treniraju. 2. Ispitati osviještenost i znanje trenera o mogućim kratkoročnim i dugoročnim negativnim posljedicama redukcije tjelesne mase prije natjecanja po tjelesno i mentalno zdravlje sportaša.
U ispitivanju je sudjelovalo 87 taekwondo trenera (Nm=56, Nž=31 ) od 17 do 62 godine (AS=33,7). Korištena je hrvatska verzija upitnika trenerova rukovodećeg ponašanja (Leadership scale for sports, LSS) i upitnici konstruirani za potrebe ovog istraživanja.
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da nema statistički značajne razlike u iskazivanju poticajnih, negativnih i kontrolirajućih ponašanja trenera različitog spola vezano uz redukciju tjelesne mase njihovih sportaša te da dijele mišljenje o stupnju odgovornosti sportaša prilikom njhovog samostalnog reduciranja tjelesne mase. Treneri koji pretežito treniraju sportaše imaju u većoj mjeri pozitivnije stavove prema redukciji tjelesne mase za razliku od trenera koji treniraju sportašice. Treneri koji pretežito treniraju sportašice pokazuju više kontrolirajućih ponašanja od trenera koji treniraju oba spola. Treneri koji treniraju mlađe i oni koji treniraju starije dobne skupine dijele ista mišljenja, ponašanja i stavove o redukciji tjelesne mase svojih sportaša. Treneri kojima je stil rukovođenja treninga opisan kao visoko autokratski/visoko demokratski u većoj mjeri potiču te pokazuju više negativnih ponašanja po pitanju redukcije tjelesne mase sportaša. Treneri s višim stupnjem obrazovanja (prvostupnici trenerske struke, magistri i doktori kineziologije) pokazuju negativnija ponašanja vezano za reduciranje tjelesne mase sportaša u odnosu na trenere koji nemaju nikakvo kineziološko obrazovanje osim samostalnog učenja, te trenere koji su završili program osposobljavanja za trenere taekwondoa pri Hrvatskoj olimpijskoj akademiji. Rezultati pokazuju i da su treneri bazično osvješteni te imaju osnovno znanje o mogućim kratkoročnim i dugoročnim posljedicama redukcije tjelesne mase po mentalno i tjelesno zdravlje sportaša, ali postoji znatan prostor za napredak u području njihove edukacije. Less
Abstract (english) Good physical status and physical shape are not necessary prerequisites for a good sports result. A high percentage of subcutaneous fat in the body of sports can significantly reduce athletic performance and often impair the health of athletes. Although not even a small percentage of body fat is desirable. Adipose tissue in an athlete’s body serves primarily as a storehouse of energy expended during physical activity, and serves as the body’s insulation. This is especially important during
... More high-intensity training, such as taekwondo fighting, for the energy needed during rest, but also for the athlete’s recovery as quickly as possible. However, in martial arts it is common practice to manipulate body weight to keep the athlete in a lower weight category on the day of weighing / competition and thus increase the chances of winning, fighting, realistically speaking, against lighter, often physically weaker fighters. This practice can trigger negative effects on the mental and physical health of athletes in the long run, but it is part of a ‘sports culture’, especially in taekwondo.
The main goal of this research is to examine the attitude and behavior of taekwondo trainers related to the reduction of athletes' body weight before competition and in general. Accordingly, the following research objectives were set: 1. Examining whether there is a difference in attitudes and behavior related to weight reduction of younger and older coaches and coaches of different genders, levels of education, rank of personal competitive qualities and handling style with regard to age, gender and rank the qualities of the competitors they train. 2. Examine the awareness and knowledge of coaches about the possible short-term and long-term negative consequences of weight loss before competing in the physical and mental health of athletes.
87 taekwondo trainers (Nm = 56, Nž = 31) aged 17 to 62 (AS = 33.7) participated in the study. The Croatian version of the Leadership scale for sport (LSS) questionnaire was used, and the questionnaires constructed for the purposes of this research.
The results show that there are no statistically significant differences in the expression of stimulating, negative and controlling coaches of different gender regarding weight loss of their athletes to share an opinion on the degree of responsibility of athletes in their self-weight loss. Coaches who predominantly male athletes have more positive attitudes toward weight reduction than coaches who train female athletes. Coaches who predominantly coach female athletes show higher control of behavior than coaches who train both gender. Coaches who train younger and those who train older age groups share similar opinions, behaviors, and attitudes about reducing the weight of their athletes. Coaches whose coaching style is described as highly autocratic / highly democratic show more negative behaviors related to weight loss of athletes. Coaches with higher level of education (bachelors in coaching, masters and doctors of kinesiology) show negative behaviors related to weight loss of athletes in comparison to coaches without formal kinesiological education other than self-study, and coaches who have completed a training program for taekwondo trainers within the Croatian Olympic academy. The results also show that coaches are basically aware that they have a basic knowledge of the possible short-term and long-term consequences of weight loss on athletes' mental and physical health, but there is significant room for improvement in their education. Less
redukcija tjelesne mase
kontrolirajuća ponašanja
Keywords (english)
weight loss
behavior control
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:680186
Study programme Title: Kinesiology; specializations in: Kinesiology in Education and Track-and-Field, Kinesiology in Education and Fitness, Kinesiology in Education and Wrestling, Kinesiology in Education and Sailing, Kinesiology in Education and Windsurfing, Kinesiology in Education and Judo, Kinesiology in Education and Kayaking, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesiological Recreation, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy, Kinesiology in Education and Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Kinesiology in Education and Basketball, Kinesiology in Education and Football, Kinesiology in Education and Volleyball, Kinesiology in Education and Basic Kinesiological Transformations, Kinesiology in Education and Dancing, Kinesiology in Education and Swimming, Kinesiology in Education and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Handball, Kinesiology in Education and Skiing, Kinesiology in Education and Artistic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Management of Sport, Kinesiology in Education and Tennis, Kinesiology in Education and Rowing Course: Kinesiology in Education and Skiing Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra kineziologije (magistar / magistra kineziologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-11 11:30:42