Author Tihomir Tomić
Mentor Hrvoje Sertić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Sertić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Segedi (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Bok (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-12-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Strijelac koji rukovodi snajperskim sustavom, posebice ukoliko se radi o većim kalibrima tipa .338 Lapua Magnum i cilja na velike daljine objedinjuje i koristi sve mogućnosti i znanja iz polja streljaštva. Uvriježeno je mišljenje mnogih strijelaca da jedino snajperist koji je radio prve korake u streljaštvu rukujući puškom na zrak, pa malokalibarskim oružjem, potom puškom velikog kalibra s mehaničkim ciljnicima stvorio je preduvjete da sva stečena znanja i vještine prenese u rad s snajperskim
... More sustavom (snajperska puška + nosač optičkog ciljnika + optički ciljnik), te postane uspješan snajperist.
Razlog tomu je ciljanje na velike daljine, pa i preko 1500 metara gdje se pred strijelce stavljaju mnogobrojni izazovi. Velike udaljenosti donose s sobom više parametara (utjecaj egzogenih faktora, uglavnom atmosferskih) koji utječu na obradu hica i putanju ispaljenog zrna: od sile teže, otpora zraka, vjetra, mirage-a (titraji toplog zraka), intenziteta svjetlosti, temperature zraka, tlaka zraka, padalina. Neki od ovih parametara utječu više (ovisno o njihovom trenutnom intenzitetu) kao što su vjetar dok neka utječu manje, ali su prisutna. Strijelac pri obradi hica mora prepoznati uvjete koji se odvijaju na strelištu i u kojoj mjeri utječu na njega samog, snajperski sustav te putanju ispaljenog zrna.
U prvom dijelu rada biti će opisani ukratko sastavni dijelovi snajperskog sustava, streljivo, parametri koji utječu na strijelca i snajperski hitac. U drugom dijelu razradit će se načini kako iskoristiti uvjete na strelištu te na koji način kompenzirati sve faktore koji bi mogli utjecati na pravilnu izvedbu precizno izvedenog hica. Less
Abstract (english) When aiming at long distance targets a shooter who operates a sniper system, especially of a larger calibre type like .338 Lapua Magnum, combines and makes use of all options available and applies his knowledge from the field of shooting. Many shooters have come to believe that only a sniper who first learned to shoot with an air rifle, proceeded to a small calibre weapon and then to a large calibre rifle with mechanical scope meets the preconditions requisite to apply the know-how and
... More skills thus acquired to the operation of a sniper system (sniper rifle + optical scope carrier + optical scope), and become a successful sniper. Such experience is necessitated by the nature of long distance targeting, sometimes in excess of 1,500 meters, where shooters face a number of challenges. Long distances imply taking into account a greater number of parameters (influence of exogenous factors, mainly atmospheric) that affect shot processing and the trajectory of the bullet fired: from gravity, air resistance, wind, mirage (warm air vibration), intensity of light, air temperature, air pressure, precipitation. Some of these parameters, such as wind, have greater effect (depending on their current intensity), while others, though of lesser impact, must still not be disregarded. When processing a shot, the shooter must recognize the conditions at the shooting range and the extent to which they affect himself, the sniper system and the bullet’s trajectory. The first part of the paper outlines the components of the sniper system, ammunition, parameters affecting the shooter and the sniper shot. The second part describes how to take advantage of the conditions at the shooting range and compensate for all the factors that could affect the correct performance of a precisely executed shot. Less
snajperski sustav
vanjska balistika
atmosferski parametri
Keywords (english)
sniper system
external ballistics
atmospheric parameters
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:267582
Study programme Title: Specialist graduate professional study for sports coaches education; specializations in: Acrobatic rock and roll, Track-and Field, Fitness, Weightlifting, Sailing, Windsurfing, Judo, Kayaking, Karate, Skating, Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Volleyball, Dancing, Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Diving, Handball, Skiing, Artistic Gymnastics, Physical Recreation, Shooting, Teakwondo, Tennis, Rowing Course: Shooting Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica trenerske struke (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica trenerske struke)
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Created on 2021-01-29 12:46:46