Author Elena Milenković
Mentor Josipa Radaš (mentor)
Committee member Josipa Radaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Furjan-Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jadranka Vlašić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-04-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Ritmička gimnastika je spoj sporta i umjetnosti u kojem je sposobnost koordinacije vrlo visoko pozicionirana u jednadžbi specifikacije uspješnosti. Obzirom da ne postoji dovoljan broj specifičnih testova kojima bi se koordinacija mogla procijeniti, što u selekciji djece potencijalnih ritmičarki, što u praćenju trenažnog procesa, primarna svrha ovoga rada je konstruirati mjerni instrument za evaluaciju koordinacije koji će se primjenjivati specifično za ritmičku gimnastiku. Uzorak na kojem se provodilo testiranje činila su 93 studenta 3. godine integriranog preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (prosječne dobi 21±1 godine). Uz novokonstruirani test „Echappe“ s vijačom (MKEV), koristila su se još tri testa: okretnost na tlu (MAGONT), preskakanje obruča naprijed (MKOOPO) i poligon natraške (MREPOL). Radi lakše pripreme i vizualizacije dobivenih podataka koristio se Microsoft Excel 365, dok se za statističke analize koristio IBM SPSS Statistics 26, pri čemu aritmetička sredina i standardna devijacija kao deskriptivni pokazatelji, Shapiro-Wilks test za utvrđivanje normalnosti distribucije, Kruskal-Wallis test, uz Bonferroni korekciju, za utvrđivanje valjanosti te Fleissova Kappa za utvrđivanje pouzdanosti, koja se dodatno utvrđivala Spearmanovom Rank korelacijom. Nakon provedenih analiza, rezultati pokazuju kako nema dokaza da test „Echappe“ s vijačom mjeri koordinaciju koja je potrebna za uspjeh u ritmičkoj gimnastici te da su potrebna daljnja istraživanja sa redefiniranim kriterijima koji će pridonijeti poboljšanju i boljim metrijskim karakteristikama testa.
Abstract (english) Rhythmic gymnastics is a combination of sport and art in which the ability of coordination is very highly positioned in the equation of performance specification. Since there is not a sufficient number of specific tests by which coordination could be assessed, both in the selection of children of potential rhythmic gymnasts, as well as in monitoring the training process, the main purpose of this paper is to construct a coordination assessment test that will be applied specifically to rhythmic gymnastics. The sample consisted of 93 students of the 3rd year of integrated undergraduate and graduate study at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb (average age 21 ± 1 year). In addition to the newly constructed test "Echappe" with rope (MKEV), three other tests were used: ground maneuverability (MAGONT), jumping hoop forward (MKOOPO) and back polygon (MREPOL). Microsoft Excel 365 was used to facilitate data preparation and visualization, while IBM SPSS Statistics 26 was used for statistical analysis, with arithmetic mean and standard deviation as descriptive indicators, Shapiro-Wilks test to determine distribution normality, Kruskal-Wallis test, with Bonferroni correction, for validation, and Fleiss Kappa for reliability determination, which was further determined by Spearman’s Rank correlation. After the analysis, the results showed that there is no evidence that the test "Echappe" with a rope measures the coordination required for success in rhythmic gymnastics and that further research is needed with redefined criteria that will contribute to improvement and better metric characteristics of the test.
motorička inteligencija
novokonstruirani test
metrijske karakteristike
ritmička gimnastika
Keywords (english)
motor intelligence
newly constructed test
metric characteristics
rhythmic gymnastics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:874624
Study programme Title: Kinesiology; specializations in: Kinesiology in Education and Track-and-Field, Kinesiology in Education and Fitness, Kinesiology in Education and Wrestling, Kinesiology in Education and Sailing, Kinesiology in Education and Windsurfing, Kinesiology in Education and Judo, Kinesiology in Education and Kayaking, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesiological Recreation, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy, Kinesiology in Education and Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Kinesiology in Education and Basketball, Kinesiology in Education and Football, Kinesiology in Education and Volleyball, Kinesiology in Education and Basic Kinesiological Transformations, Kinesiology in Education and Dancing, Kinesiology in Education and Swimming, Kinesiology in Education and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Handball, Kinesiology in Education and Skiing, Kinesiology in Education and Artistic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Management of Sport, Kinesiology in Education and Tennis, Kinesiology in Education and Rowing Course: Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra kineziologije (magistar / magistra kineziologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-05-13 10:33:05