Title Usporedno istraživanje specifičnosti menadžmenta u kineziološkoj rekreaciji i drugim djelatnostim
Title (english) A comparative study of the specifics of management in kinesiology recreation in relation to other sectors
Author Dragomir Gabrić
Mentor Sanela Škorić (mentor)
Committee member Mato Bartoluci (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Andrijašević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mislav Ante Omazić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 793/795 - Social entertainments and recreations. Art of movement. Dance. Electronic games. Computer games. Videogames
Abstract Menadžment je, između ostalog, sposobnost pozitivnog utjecaja na druge ljude usmjeravanjem aktivnosti tih ljudi tamo gdje će postići optimalne rezultate te u konačnici ostvariti ciljeve organizacije. Osobe koje provode ovaj proces nazivaju se menadžerima. Oni su odgovorni za kreiranje zadataka i uvjeta rada u kojima će svaki pojedinac svojim radom moći doprinijeti ostvarivanju ciljeva. No, navedeno postaje sve teži zadatak. Naime, poduzeća su danas postala splet zahtjevnih odnosa u kojima je relativno teško uspostaviti učinkovitu komunikaciju i stvoriti poticajno okruženje za zaposlene te istovremeno ostvariti željene poslovne rezultate. Upravo ti visoki zahtjevi, odnosno njihovo uspješno ispunjavanje, čine temelj za razlikovanje uspješnih od manje uspješnih menadžera. U ovom radu uspoređena su znanja potrebna za uspješno rukovođenje organizacijom - s jedne
strane u djelatnostima vezanima za kineziološku rekreaciju, a s druge strane u ostalim djelatnostima. To su, prije svega, tehnička, kineziološka, organizacijska, informatička, sociološka znanja te znanja iz psihologije i ophođenja s ljudima. Isto tako, utvrđeno je koliko su ta ista znanja iskorištena na radnom mjestu ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da više od polovice svih ispitanika radi 20 % i više od prosječnog radnog dana koji se sastoji od 8 sati, i to prije svega oni na najvišoj razini menadžmenta. Pri tome najveći dio radnog vremena troše na menadžersku funkciju komuniciranje. Gotovo svi ispitanici su suglasni da je menadžment prije svega vještina, a tek onda znanost, odnosno umjetnost. Odlučnost je glavna osobina menadžera prema mišljenju obiju grupa ispitanika. Nakon toga slijedi entuzijazam i snalažljivost, a najniža vrijednost pridaje se kritičnosti. Čimbenici koji utječu na odlučivanje su obrazovanost uopće i za odlučivanje posebno. Obje grupe ispitanika podjednako su pohađale programe obrazovanja i usavršavanja kao što su seminari na fakultetu, obrazovanja u inozemstvu i samostalno proučavanje literature. Pri tome su menadžeri u kineziološkoj rekreaciji vrednovali više stručna znanja u odnosu na menadžere u ostalim djelatnostima koji primarno cijene ekonomska znanja. Isto tako menadžeri u kineziološkoj rekreaciji u manjoj su mjeri pohađali slijedeće vrste programa obrazovanja i usavršavanja: obrazovanje unutar poduzeća, stručna savjetovanja i specifični tečajevi.Na temelju dobivenih rezultata dolazi se do spoznaje kako bi se u obrazovne programe vezane uz kineziološku rekreaciju trebalo više uključiti ekonomska i menadžerska područja jer bez ovih znanja menadžeri u kineziološkoj rekreaciji teško će moći ostvarivati vrhunske poslovne rezultate. Postoje tipovi menadžera u kineziološkoj rekreaciji koji su češće ostvarili zadane poslovne rezultatei i to su bili oni tehničke struke. Komparacija rezultata ove dvije grupe ispitanika daje autoru ovog teksta dodatna saznanja i motivaciju da ustraje u namjeri unapređenja menadžmenta u kineziološkoj rekreaciji, ne samo u odnosu na direktnu konkurenciju, već i na opstanak i ekspanziju na globalnoj sceni.
Abstract (english) Management is, among other things, the ability to positively influence other people by directing the activities of those people where they will achieve optimal results and ultimately achieve the goals of the organization. The people who carry out this process are called managers. They are responsible for creating tasks and working conditions in which each individual will be able to contribute to the achievement of their goals through their work.But the above mentioned is becoming an increasingly difficult task. Specifically, companies today have become a web of demanding relationships where it is relatively difficult to establish effective communication and create an enabling environment for employees while achieving
the desired business results. It is these high requirements, that is, their successful fulfilment, that form the basis for distinguishing successful from less successful managers. This doctoral thesis compares the knowledge required to successfully manage an organization. The goal was to determine if there are any differences in needed types of knowledge in organizations in recreation sector opposed to ones in other sectors. Tested types of knowledge were technical, kinesiological, organizational, informatics, sociological knowledge, as well as knowledge in psychology and human behaviour. Also, it was determined how much the previously mentioned types of knowledge are actually used in the workplace of the respondents.The results of the survey showed that more than half of all respondents work 20% and more than the average working day, i.e. more than 8 hours a day. This was especially the case for the
highest level of management. Managers spend most of their working time on the managerial function of communication. Almost all respondents agree that management is first of all a skill, and only then science or an art. Determination is a major characteristic of managers in the opinion of both groups of respondents (receration sector organizations and organizations in other sectors). This is followed by enthusiasm and resourcefulness, with the lowest value attached to criticality. Factors that influence decision making are education in general and decision making in particular. Also, both groups equally attended education and training programs such as college seminars, education abroad, and independent literature studies. Managers in kinesiological recreation valued professional knowledge more in comparison with managers in other industries who primarily value economic knowledge. Managers working in recreation attended in-house education, professional counselling, and specific courses to a lesser extent.Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that knowledge regarding economy and management should be included in educational programs related to kinesiological recreation, because without this knowledge managers in kinesiological recreation will find it difficult to achieve top business results. There are types of managers in kinesiological recreation who have more often achieved the set business results and these were managers educated in technical professions. The comparison of the results of these two groups of respondents gives the author of this text additional knowledgeand motivation to persevere in the intention to improve management in kinesiological recreation, not only in relation to direct competition, but also to survival and expansion on the global stage.
kineziološka rekreacija
znanja i vještine
programi obrazovanj
Keywords (english)
kinesiological recreation
knowledge and skills
education programs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:340436
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 109 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-08 09:26:04