Title Usporedba i povezanost testova za procjenu anaerobnih kapaciteta kod nogometaša
Title (english) Comparison and correlation of tests for assessment of anaerobic capacity in football players
Author Kristijan Zovko
Mentor Vlatko Vučetić (mentor)
Committee member Luka Milanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Dadić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlatko Vučetić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Nogomet je posljednjih godina iznimno napredovao na svim područjima. Igra je mnogo brža, intenzivnija te zahtjeva puno bolju kondicijsku pripremljenost nego u prošlosti. Igrači pretrče puno veće udaljenosti s većim intenzitetom nego ikada prije. Često igrači dolaze do samih gra nica svojih mogućnosti i kondicijskih sposobnosti. Upravo zbog toga je potrebno igrače što bolje pripremiti za same utakmic e . Aerobne kao i anaerobne sposobnosti moraju biti na visokom nivou. Dobre anaerobne sposobnosti pomoći će nogometašu da se odupire umoru pri aktivnostima najvećeg intenziteta. S tim na umu, u ovom radu odrađena je usporedba dva anaerobna testa. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi postoji li korelacija dobivenih rezultata u dva testa (300 m i RAST test) Istraživanje je provedeno na 17 seniorskih nogometaša medijalne dobi 19,4 ± 0.6 (18 20 godina . Prije početka testiranja ispitanicima je izmjerena visina tijela, masa tijela te su upisan i dob i trenutna igračka pozicija. Testiranje se provodilo u dva navrata u razmaku od dva dana kako bi se sportaši dovoljno oporavili za testiranje koje slijedi te kako umor ne bi bio ograničavajući faktor. Sportašima je testirana maksimalna brzina na 20 m sa i bez zaustavljanja. Za svaku od njih igrači su imali tri pokušaja te im se uzelo najbolje vrijeme kao referentna vrijednost. Nakon toga igrači su odradili 300 m test ( 15 × 20 𝑚 bez pauze). Nakon provedenog 300 m t esta igrači su imali dva dana odmora te se 3. dan odradio RAST test ( 6 × 35 𝑚 s 10 sec pauze između svakog sprinta). Statističkom obradom podataka može se vidjeti da će sportaši koji su bolji u 300 m testu biti bolji i u RAST testu. Također usporedbom rezultata sprinta na 20 m sa zaustavljanjem i 20 m bez zaustavljanja može se vidjeti da je veća pouzdanost rezultata u sporedbom s 20 m sa zaustavljanjem što ima smisla jer se i sami test provodi sa fazama zaustavljanja odnosno deceleracije.
Abstract (english) Football has made tremendous progress in all areas in recent years. The game is much faster, more intense, and requires much better physical preparation than in the past. Players endure much longer distances with greater intensity than ever before. Often, players reach the very limits of their capabilities and fitness capabilities. This is precisely why it is necessary to prepare players better for the same matches. Aerobic and anaerobic abilities must be at a high level. Good anaerobic abilities will help the soccer player resist fatigue during activities of the highest intensity. In this paper a comparison of two anaerobic tests was made. The main goal of this research is to determine if there is a correlation between the results obtained in the two tests (300 m and RAST test). The research was conducted on 17 senior football players with a median age of 19.4 ± 0.6 (18 - 20) years. Before the start of the test, the subjects' height and weight were measured, and their age and current playing position were recorded. Testing was performed on two occasions two days apart to allow the athletes to recover sufficiently for the following testing so that fatigue would not be a limiting factor. Athletes were tested for maximum speed at 20 m with and without stopping. For each of them, the players had three attempts and their best time was taken as a reference value. After that, the players did a test of 300 m (15×20 𝑚 without a break). After the 300 m test, the players had two days of rest, and on the 3rd day, the GROWTH test was performed (6×35 𝑚 with a 10 sec break between each sprint). Statistical data processing shows that athletes who are better in the 300 m test will also be better in the RAST test. Also, by comparing the results of the 20 m sprint with a stop and 20 m without a stop, the reliability of the results is higher compared to the 20 m with a stop, which makes sense because the test itself is carried out in the phases of stopping or deceleration.
300 m test
RAST test
anaerobna sposobnost
Keywords (english)
300 m test
RAST test
anaerobic capacity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:727583
Study programme Title: Specialist graduate professional study for sports coaches education; specializations in: Acrobatic rock and roll, Track-and Field, Fitness, Weightlifting, Sailing, Windsurfing, Judo, Kayaking, Karate, Skating, Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Volleyball, Dancing, Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Diving, Handball, Skiing, Artistic Gymnastics, Physical Recreation, Shooting, Teakwondo, Tennis, Rowing Course: Physical Conditioning of Athletes Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra trenerske struke (magistar/magistra trenerske struke)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-29 10:54:40