Title Sakupljačke aktivnosti kao sadržaj sportske rekreacije
Title (english) Collecting activities as a content of sports recreation
Author Filip Jurković
Mentor Drena Trkulja-Petković (mentor)
Committee member Drena Trkulja-Petković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Ohnjec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Prlenda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Povijest nas uči da su ljudi dugi vremenski period živjeli kao lovci i sakupljači plodova pa ne čudi spoznaja da su i danas mnogi zainteresirani za tu vrstu aktivnosti. Stoga se nameće potreba definiranja sakupljačkih aktivnosti kao sadržaja sportske rekreacije kako bi se ukazalo na potencijalne opasnosti koje mogu proizaći iz površnog i/ili nedovoljnog znanja. Sakupljačke aktivnosti, kao oblik sportske rekreacije, igraju važnu ulogu u povezivanju čovjeka s prirodom i promoviranju zdravog načina života. Ove aktivnosti obuhvaćaju branje gljiva, ljekovitog bilja, kestena i drugih nedrvnih šumskih proizvoda, često se odvijajući u šumama i prirodnim okolišima. Branje gljiva predstavlja popularnu i zdravu rekreativnu aktivnost koja se može provoditi tijekom jesenskih mjeseci. Osim što pruža tjelesnu aktivnost, ovo iskustvo često potiče i edukaciju o različitim vrstama gljiva te razvija pažljivo promatranje prirode. Sakupljanje ljekovitog bilja ima dugu tradiciju u mnogim kulturama i može donijeti niz zdravstvenih koristi. Osobe koje prakticiraju ovu aktivnost obično istražuju prirodu kako bi pronašli biljke s ljekovitim svojstvima i koriste ih za pripremu prirodnih lijekova ili čajeva. Branje kestena također ima svoje mjesto u sportskoj rekreaciji. To je sezonska aktivnost koja kombinira tjelesnu aktivnost s prikupljanjem plodova koji su bogati hranjivim tvarima. Sve te sakupljačke aktivnosti, osim što potiču tjelesnu aktivnost, povezuju ljude s prirodom i potiču svijest o važnosti očuvanja prirodnih resursa. Osim toga, pružaju priliku za opuštanje i bijeg od urbanog okruženja, doprinoseći općem fizičkom i mentalnom blagostanju. Sakupljačke aktivnosti kao sadržaj sportske rekreacije često potiču ljude da cijene prirodni svijet oko sebe i njegove blagodati za zdravlje i opću dobrobit svih ljudi.
Abstract (english) History teaches us that people lived as hunters and gatherers for a long time, so it's no surprise that many are still interested in this type of activity today. Therefore, there is a need to define collecting activities as a part of sports recreation to highlight potential dangers that can arise from superficial or insufficient knowledge. Collecting activities, as a form of sports recreation, play an important role in connecting people with nature and promoting a healthy lifestyle. These activities include mushroom picking, collecting medicinal herbs, chestnuts, and other non-timber forest products, often taking place in forests and natural environments. Mushroom picking represents a popular and healthy recreational activity that can be done during the autumn months. In addition to providing physical activity, this experience often encourages education about various types of mushrooms and develops careful observation of nature. Collecting medicinal herbs has a long tradition in many cultures and can bring a range of health benefits. Individuals who practice this activity usually explore nature to find plants with medicinal properties and use them to prepare natural remedies or teas. Chestnut picking also has its place in sports recreation. It is a seasonal activity that combines physical activity with gathering nutritious fruits. All of these collecting activities, besides promoting physical activity, connect people with nature and raise awareness about the importance of preserving natural resources. Moreover, they provide an opportunity for relaxation and escape from urban environments, contributing to overall physical and mental well-being. Collecting activities as a part of sports recreation often encourage people to appreciate the natural world around them and its benefits for health and well-being.
sakupljačke aktivnosti
Keywords (english)
collecting activities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:411575
Study programme Title: Specialist graduate professional study for sports coaches education; specializations in: Acrobatic rock and roll, Track-and Field, Fitness, Weightlifting, Sailing, Windsurfing, Judo, Kayaking, Karate, Skating, Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Volleyball, Dancing, Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Diving, Handball, Skiing, Artistic Gymnastics, Physical Recreation, Shooting, Teakwondo, Tennis, Rowing Course: Physical Recreation Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra trenerske struke (magistar/magistra trenerske struke)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2024-03-07 09:49:19