Title Utjecaj skakačkog treninga na tlu i u vodi na motoričke sposobnosti
Title (english) The effects of plyometric training period on land versus in water on motor abilities
Author Vlatka Wertheimer
Mentor Ljubomir Antekolović (mentor)
Committee member Igor Jukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Čoh (član povjerenstva) strani drzavljanin: Nije dostupno
Committee member Branka Matković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-03-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja jest utvrditi razlike u učincima programa skakačkog treninga provedenog na tlu te identičnog programa provedenog u vodi na motoričke sposobnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno na 31 studentu druge godine Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji, osim u realizaciji praktične nastave, nisu bili uključeni u dodatni oblik tjelesnog vježbanja. Ispitanici su bili slučajnim odabirom raspoređeni u dvije eksperimentalne i kontrolnu grupu. Eksperimentalni trenažni program treninga trajao je osam tjedana u okviru kojih je realizirano ukupno 16 treninga. Prije i nakon programa treninga ispitanici su podvrgnuti testiranju motoričkih sposobnosti kroz testove vertikalnog skoka, skoka u dalj s mjesta, testove sprinta na 5, 10 i 20 metara i testa agilnosti. Uz analizu utjecaja na motoričke sposobnosti praćeni su biomehanički parametri skoka iz čučnja, skoka iz čučnja s pripremom, jednonožnog skoka iz čučnja s pripremom dominante i nedominantne noge te uzastopnih skokova iz stopala i iz čučnja. Tijekom programa, na početku i na kraju, ispitanici su bili prisutni na mjerenju biokemijskih pokazatelja mišićnog oštećenja.Rezultati su pokazali da u prostoru motoričkih sposobnosti postoji statistički značajna razlika između eksperimentalnih i kontrolne grupa nakon tretmana. Daljnjom analizom utvrđeno je kako postoje statistički značajan utjecaj eksperimentalnih programa, no ne i statistički značajne razlike među eksperimentalnim grupama. Detaljnijom analizom utvrđeno je kako se eksperimentalna grupa u vodi se statistički značajno razlikovala od kontrolne grupe u četiri od pet varijabli (vertikalni skok, brzina na 5m, agilnost 20 yardi i impuls sile u koncentričnoj fazi) koje su se istaknule kao značajne na temelju univarijatne analize varijance među svim grupama.Između eksperimentalnih grupa također nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika niti u jednom od biokemijskih pokazatelja mišićnog oštećenja, no kod eksperimentalne grupe na tlu u oba mjerenja dokazano je statistički značajno povećanje kreatin kinaze nakon provedenog skakačkog treninga. Multivarijantnom analizom varijance eksperimentalnih grupa u tri mjerenja nisu dokazane statistički značajne razlike, odnosno rezultati u testovima motoričkih sposobnosti nisu pokazali da se grupe razlikuju u zaostalim učincima eksperimentalnog programa.Ovim istraživanjem pokazano je kako fizički aktivne osobe, studenti druge godine Kineziološkog fakulteta, zbog čijeg visokog statusa kondicijske pripremljenosti rezultati se mogu generalizirati na populaciju sportaša u sportskim igrama, pod utjecajem skakačkog programa u vodi mogu unaprijediti motoričke sposobnosti, no ne statistički značajno različito od grupe na tlu, ali ipak s nešto manjim vrijednostima mišićnog oštećenja i to kao rezultat smanjenih ekscentričnih opterećenja u vodi. Manje ekscentrično opterećenje i smanjenja SSC funkcija tijekom izvedbe skokova u vodi rezultira promjenom u obrascu kretanja, odnosno specifičnom adaptacijom mišićnih ekstenzora nogu te bržom izvedbom koncentrične faze skoka na temelju čega skakački program u vodi može unaprijediti vertikalni skok, brzinu i agilnost.
Abstract (english) The main goal of this study was to evaluate the differences in the effects of a plyometric program conducted on the ground and an identical program conducted in water on motor abilities. The study was conducted on the sample of 31 second year kinesiology student at School of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, which were not included in the additional form of physical exercise except experimental program and equal realization of practical training education at college. Subjects were randomly assigned to two experimental and control group. The experimental training program lasted for eight weeks and a total of 16 training sessions was included. Before and after experimental training programs assessment was done by participants. Conducted motor abilities test were vertical jump, standing long jump, 5, 10 and 20 meters sprint time and a test of agility. Along with the analysis of the impact on motor abilities there were observed biomechanical parameters during squat jump, countermovement jump, single leg jump with dominant and non-dominant leg and repeated jumps in two conditions. At the beginning and the end of experimental training program participants underwent a measurement of biochemical indicators of muscle damage.The results showed statistically significant differences between the experimental and control groups after treatment in the area of motor abilities. Further analysis found that there was statistically significant effect of experimental training programs, but no statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. A more detailed analysis showed that the experimental group in water was significantly different from the control group in four out of the five variables (vertical jump, 5m speed time, 20 yards agility time and force impulse in the concentric phase) that have been pointed out as significant based on univariate analysis of variance among all groups.Also no significant difference was found in any of the biochemical indicators of muscle damage between experimental groups, but the ground group showed a statistically significant increase in creatine kinase after the plyometric training sessions. No significant differences was found using multivariate analysis of variance within three measurements of experimental groups. Results of motor ability test showed that the groups do not differ in the residual effects of the experimental training program.This study demonstrated that physically active people, second year kinesiology students, can improve motor abilities under the influence of plyometric program in water, not statistically significantly different from ground group, but with slightly lower values of muscle damage as a result of reduced eccentric load in the water. Less eccentric load and decreased SSC mechanisms during the execution of jumps in water results in a changes and specific adaptations of the movement pattern which are improved leg muscle extensors function and faster concentric phase performance in the water which can result with vertical jump, speed and agility improvement.
skakački trening
skakački trening u vodi
motoričke sposobnosti
mišićna oštećenja
biomehaničke karakteristike
obrazac kretanja
Keywords (english)
plyometric training
aquatic plyometric training
motor abilities
muscle damage
biomechanical characteristics
movement pattern
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:149757
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-11 12:56:18