Abstract | Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je analizirati promjene u kondicijskoj pripremljenosti nakon osmotjednog provođenja oblika intervalnog treninga 4x4 minute koji je sadržavao kretanja u različitim modalitetima lokomocije i različitim brzinama (od 6km/h do 9km/h). Ovaj oblik treninga je bio integriran u standardno trajanje treninga. Uzorak je sastavljen od jedanaest nogometaša mlađe uzrasne kategorije U13 (n=11, dob 12,6±4,52, visina 156,25±4,52, težina 43,78±5,27). Svaki ispitanik je mjeren u dvadeset antropometrijskih varijabli, osam varijabli za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti i jednoj varijabli za procjenu aerobnog energetskog kapaciteta. Mjerenja su provedena u dvije vremenske točke, prije provođenja intervalnog oblika treninga (inicijalno testiranje) i nakon osam tjedana treninga (finalno testiranje). Statistički značajna razlika u antropometrijskim varijablama je zamijećena kod varijabli ALVT (0,76%), ALRR (1,42%), ALDN-L (2,88%), AVONAT (-1,81%) i ANPOT (27,01%). Kod varijabli
motoričkih sposobnosti statističku značajnosti ostvaruju varijable MESAR1 (11,28%) i MESSDM (12,30%). Kod testa za procjenu aerobnog energetskog kapaciteta postoji statistički značajna razlika i napredak od 20,25% u odnosu na inicijalno testiranje. Promjene kod antropometrijskih varijabli možemo pripisati biološkom rastu i razvoju jer se istraživana populacija upravo nalazi u fazi ubrzanog rasta. Za razliku od antropometrijskih varijabli, u varijablama za procjenu eksplozivne snage i varijabli za procjenu aerobnog energetskog kapaciteta, ispitanici su ostvarili značajan napredak. Ova saznanja mogu poslužiti nogometnim trenerima u planiranju i programiranju trenažnog rada tijekom sezone. |
Abstract (english) | The main objective of this study was to analyze the change in physical conditioning after an eight-week training program based on interval training 4x4 minutes which contained movements in different modality of locomotion and different speed of movement (from 6km/h to 9km/h). This type of training was integrated in standard duration of the training. The sample was conducted from eleven football players of younger age categories U13 (n=11, age 12,6±4,52, height 156,25±4,52, weight 43,78±5,27). Each participant was measured in twenty anthropometric variables, eight variables for the assessment of motor abilities and one variable for estimation of aerobic capacity. The test was conducted in two time points, before the implementation of the interval type of training (initial testing) and after eight weeks of training (final testing). Statistically significant difference in anthropometric variables was observed for variables ALVT (0,76%), ALRR (1,42%), ALDN-L (2,88%), AVONAT (-1,81%) and ANPOT (27,01%). In variables of motor abilities, statistically significant difference was realized in variables MESAR1 (11,28%) and MESSDM (12,30%). In the test for aerobic capacity there is a statistically significant difference and the progress of 20,25% in regards to initial testing. The changes in anthropometric variables we can attribute to biological growth and development because the tested population, at this time, is in the phase of the growth spurt Unlike anthropometric variables, in variables for evaluation of explosive-strength and variables for evaluation aerobic energetic capacity, the subjects accomplished significant improvement. These results can serve football coaches for planning and programming training work during the season. |