Author Marina Gadže
Mentor Vlatko Vučetić (mentor)
Committee member Vlatko Vučetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Rakovac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniel Bok (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti učinke petomjesečnog trenažnog i dijetnog programa na promjene u morfološkim karakteristikama kod pretilih osoba i osoba s prekomjernom tjelesnom masom ženskog spola, vodeći računa o narušenoj tjelesnoj spremi uzrokovanoj dugogodišnjim životom s viškom kilograma i sjedilačkim načinom života. Kandidatkinje su trenirale u grupama do šest osoba, a trenažni program tijekom istraživanja odvijao se četiri puta tjedno tijekom perioda od pet mjeseci. Tri treninga tjedno u trajanju od 90 minuta sadržavala su kombinaciju aerobnih vježbi u obliku aerobike, vježbi sa i bez vanjskog opterećenja većeg broja ponavljanja, te korektivnih vježbi iz metode „Pilates“ s vježbama istezanja. Četvrti trening u tjednu bio je isključivo aerobnog tipa u trajanju od 75 min u obliku brzog hodanja na pokretnoj traci za trčanje sa ili bez nagiba, ili nordijskog hodanja. Uz prisustvovanje i aktivno sudjelovanje na treninzima, od kandidatkinja se tražilo da pišu dnevnik prehrane s primjenom redukcije dnevnog unosa hrane izražene u kilokalorijama (kcal) sukladne s planiranom stopom gubitka tjelesne mase prilagođene individualno svakoj polaznici. Progresija intenziteta treninga određivala se sukladno prosječnoj stopi napretka kandidatkinja unutar grupe koja je procijenjena pomoću motoričkih testova te pomoću ocjene osobnog doživljaja opterećenja kandidatkinja pri zadanom intenzitetu treninga. Nakon obavljenog inicijalnog testiranja stanja, testiranja motoričkog napretka te promjena morfoloških karakteristika odrađivala su se jednom mjesečno. Pošto su se motorički testovi mjerili isključivo radi programiranja treninga, ovaj će rad biti fokusiran na obradu, analizu i interpretaciju podataka samo mjerenih morfoloških karakteristika. Iz skupa varijabli koje opisuju svojstva morfoloških karakteristika, za ovo istraživanje izabrane su one varijable koje imaju izraženi varijabilitet kod procesa gubitka tjelesne težine, odnosno one varijable koje opisuju volumen, masu tijela i količinu potkožnog masnog tkiva. Postoje razne metode mjerenja i procjena navedenih svojstava, a u ovom istraživanju koristili smo digitalnu vagu za mjerenje tjelesne mase, centimetarsku vrpcu za mjerenje opsega te „Harpenden Sklinfold“ kaliper za mjerenje potkožnog masnog tkiva. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je u svim mjerenim varijablama došlo do statistički značajnih promjena u rezultatima. Dobiveni podaci sugeriraju da je ovaj petomjesečni trenažni program uz redukciju unosa hrane preporučljiv pretilim osobama koje žele ući u siguran trenažni proces i postići pozitivne rezultate u borbi protiv pretilosti i umanjenju rizika za razvoj bolesti uzrokovanima pretilošću i pomanjkanjem kretanja.
Abstract (english) The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of a five-month training program on changes in morphological characteristics in obese and overweight women, taking into account impaired body build-up due to long-term overweight and sedentary lifestyle. Candidates trained in groups of up to six people and the training program was conducted four times a week over a period of five months. There were three 90 minute training sessions per week which included a combination of aerobic training, which featured mainly aerobics, exercises with and without external loads of high number of repetitions, which lasted approximately 75 minutes and corrective exercises from „Pilates“ method with stretching exercises. The fourth training session of the week, which lasted approximately 75 minutes, was mainly an aerobic type in the form of a fast-paced walking on a treadmill with or without inclination or nordic walking. With high attendance and active participation in training, candidates were asked to write a diet diary with a daily calorie reduction, displayed in kilocalories (kcal). The amount of reduction was compliant with a planned weight loss rate calculated individually for each participant.
The progression of the training intensity was done according to the average candidate's progress rate within the group, which was evaluated by motor tests and by assessing candidate’s personal experience of effort at the given training intensity. After initial testing was done, testing of motor progress and changes in morphological characteristics were performed once a month. As the motor tests were conducted exclusively for purposes of training planning, this research will be focused on processing, analyzing and interpreting data of measured morphological characteristics only. From a set of variables describing the properties of morphological characteristics, those variables that have pronounced variability regarding to process of weight loss (variables describing volume, body mass and the amount of subcutaneous fat tissue) have been chosen for this study. There are various methods of measuring and evaluating the properties mentioned, and we used a digital weighing scale for measuring body mass, a centimeter bandwidth and a "Harpenden Sklinfold" caliper to measure subcutaneous fat tissue. The results of the research have shown that statistically significant changes in results in all measured variables have occurred.The data obtained suggests that this five month training program with calorie intake reduction is recommended for obese people who want to enter a safe training process and achieve positive results in fighting obesity and reducing the risk of developing diseases caused by obesity and sedentary lifestyle.
aerobni trening
dnevnik prehrane
potkožno masno tkivo
Keywords (english)
aerobic training
diet diary
subcutaneous fat tissue
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:195013
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra kineziologije (magistar / magistra kineziologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-09-30 09:04:43