Title Evaluacija jakosti i snage mišića trupa: uloga u motoričkoj izvedbi nogometaša
Title (english) Evaluation of trunk muscle strength and power: role in football players´ performance
Author Jasminka Tomčić
Mentor Goran Marković (mentor)
Committee member Dražan Dizdar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nejc Šarabon (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavle Mikulić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract CILJ: Tijekom posljednjeg desetljeća dogodile su se znatne promjene u pristupu treningu sportaša, u smislu isticanja treninga jakosti i mišićne izdržljivosti trupa. Međutim, rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja upućuju na slabu povezanost jakosti trupa s motoričkom izvedbom sportaša te na slab utjecaj treninga jakosti i izdržljivosti mišića trupa na izvedbu sportaša. Stoga su temeljni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili (1) odrediti latentnu strukturu i faktorsku valjanost testova jakosti, snage i mišićne izdržljivosti trupa te (2) utvrditi povezanost jakosti i snage mišića trupa i kukova s testovima motoričke izvedbe kod nogometaša. Na tragu metodoloških ograničenja uočenih u dosadašnjim istraživanjima, namjera ovog istraživanja bila je evaluirati dimenzije jakosti i snage mišića trupa u svim ravninama (sagitalnoj, frontalnoj i transverzalnoj), u različitim položajima (stojeći i sjedeći), te u evaluaciju uključiti i mišiće kuka. METODE: Uzorak ispitanika činio je 91 nogometaš u dobi od 17,3 ± 1,7 godina, s najmanje 7 godina iskustva u natjecateljskom nogometu. Nogomet je izabran kao sport koji uključuje motoričku izvedbu skokova, sprintova, brze promjene smjera kretanja te bacanja, što je zajedničko većini ekipnih sportova. Svi su ispitanici izmjereni skupom testova koji je uključivao: (1) testove za procjenu jakosti i snage mišića trupa: izometrijska dinamometrija mišića trupa (8 testova), dinamički testovi snage trupa (9 testova) i statična mišićna izdržljivost trupa (4 testa), (2) testove izometrijske jakosti ekstenzora (opružača) i fleksora (pregibača) kukova te (3) testove motoričke izvedbe: skok u dalj, sprint na 20 m, Zig-zag test, vertikalni skok s pripremom i bacanje medicinke stojeći. REZULTATI: Rezultati su potvrdili istraživačku hipotezu da su latentne dimenzije jakosti i snage trupa jasno definirane režimom rada mišića i njihovom funkcionalnom ulogom. Faktorskom analizom ekstrahirane su 4 glavne komponente koje objašnjavaju 70% ukupnog varijabiliteta mjera jakosti i snage trupa. Dobiveni faktori jasno su diferencirali tri komponente mišićnih funkcija trupa: snagu, jakost i mišićnu izdržljivost, pri čemu se diferencirao faktor jakosti trupa u stajanju od onoga u sjedećem položaju. Taj nalaz upućuje na važnost uključenosti mišića nogu u manifestaciji jakosti trupa. U kontekstu uloge mišićne funkcije trupa u motoričkoj izvedbi, rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su kako manifestne varijable i latentna dimenzija snage trupa imaju najviši stupanj povezanosti te najviše prediktivnih veza s testovima motoričke izvedbe . Snaga trupa objasnila je 20% do 79% varijance testova motoričke izvedbe. ZAKLJUČAK: Dobiveni rezultati sugeriraju kako je snaga trupa važan čimbenik uspješne izvedbe sprintova, skokova i bacanja kod visokoutreniranih mladih nogometaša muškog spola. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo kako jakost fleksora i ekstenzora kuka ima relativno nisku povezanost i slabe prediktivne veze s motoričkom izvedbom nogometaša. Sveukupno gledajući, dobiveni rezultati imaju važne praktične implikacije: (1) testiranje jakosti i snage trupa kod sportaša potrebno je provoditi sa stopalima na tlu, u specifično-sportskim uvjetima te (2) u trening nogometaša, u svrhu poboljšanja njihove motoričke izvedbe, potrebno je uključiti eksplozivna bacanja medicinki. Uobičajeni način razvijanja i mjerenja mišićnih funkcija trupa u položajima upora na rukama i nogama čini se nedovoljno specifičan za poboljšanja motoričke izvedbe sportaša.
Abstract (english) AIM: Over the previous decade, there have been significant changes in the approach to training athletes in terms of emphasizing training for core strength and muscle endurance. However, the results of previous research indicate a weak correlation between core strength and sport performance and a weak impact of core muscles strength and endurance training on the sport performance. Therefore, the main objectives of this study were (1) to determine the latent structure and factor validity of core strength, power and muscle endurance tests and (2) to determine the relationship between core and hip muscle strength and power with sport performance tests in football players. Following the methodological limitations observed in previous studies, the intent of this study was to evaluate the dimensions of core muscle strength and power in all planes (sagittal, frontal and transverse), in different postural positions (standing and sitting), and to include hip muscles in the evaluation. METHODS: The sample consisted of 91 football players age 17.3 ± 1.7 years, with a minimum experience of 7 years in competitive football. Football was chosen as a sport that includes the performance of jumps, sprints, rapid changes in direction and throws, which is common to most team sports. All subjects were measured with a battery of tests that included (1) core muscle strength and power tests: isometric core muscle dynamometry (8 tests), dynamic core power tests (9 tests), and static core muscle endurance (4 tests), (2) tests of isometric strength of hip extensors and flexors and (3) tests of sport performance: long jump, 20m sprint, Zig-Zag test, counter movement jump and standing medicine ball throw. RESULTS: The results confirmed the research hypothesis that the latent dimensions of core strength and power are clearly defined by the muscles work regime and their functional role. Factor analysis extracted 4 main components that explain 70% of the total variability of core strength and power measures. The obtained factors clearly differentiated the three components of the core muscles function: strength, power and muscle endurance, whereby the factor of core strength in the standing position was differentiated from that in the sitting position. This finding indicates the importance of the leg muscles involvement in the manifestation of core strength. In the context of core muscle function role in sport performance, the results of this study showed that manifest variables and the latent dimension of core power have the highest degree of correlation and predictive relations with sport performance tests. Core power explained 20-79% of the variance in sport performance tests. CONCLUSION: The obtained results suggest that core power is an important factor in the successful
performance of sprints, jumps and throws in highly trained young male football players. This research showed that the hip flexors and extensors strength has a relatively low correlation with, and impact on, the performance of football players. Overall, the results obtained have significant practical implications: (1) testing of core strength and power in athletes should be performed with the feet on the ground, in sport-specific conditions and (2) in order to improve their sport performance, it is necessary to include explosive throws of medicine ball in the football players training. The usual way of developing and measuring core muscle function in plank position seems insufficiently specific to improve the performance of athletes.
mišići trupa
mišićna izdržljivost
mišići kukova
motorička izvedba
Keywords (english)
ore muscles
muscle endurance
hip muscles
sport performance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:698254
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 108 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-14 08:48:08