Author Tamara Danilović
Mentor Lidija Petrinović (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Petrinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Novak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Podnar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Uključenje djece s teškoćama u osnovnoškolski i srednjoškolski sustav obrazovanja zahtjeva i teži ka unaprjeđenju kvalitete odgojno obrazovnog procesa za navedene učenike. Kao temeljne prediktore provedbe kvalitetne nastave nedvojbeno se mogu navesti nastavnici. Nastavnici se redovito susreću sa brojnim barijerama i izazovima u nastavi koja uključuju djecu s teškoćama. Stoga će u ovom radu biti ispitane najčešće poteškoće s kojima se profesori riječkih škola susreću u nastavi TZK. Imajući u obzir važnost tjelesne aktivnosti i inkluzivnog obrazovanja za zdrav razvoj djece s teškoćama, istraživanje je za primarni cilj imalo ispitati profesore osnovnih i srednjih škola na području grada Rijeke i uže okolice o raznim pitanjima vezana uz provedbu nastave Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture koristeći anketni upitnik otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa. Temeljem ovog istraživanja dobio se uvid u cjelokupno stanje i uvjete rada na nastavi TZK. Uz provedeno istraživanje ovaj rad uključuje i teme institucija za djecu s teškoćama na području grada Rijeke kao i analizu pojedinih teškoća sukladno Orijentacijskoj listi vrsta teškoća. Rezultati pokazuju zadovaljavajuću razinu osnovnih kompetencija profesora i visoku razinu motivacije u poslu, ali i nedovoljnu razinu educiranosti o pojedinim teškoćama. Također, rezultati ističu kako su učenici s teškoćama pretežno aktivna u nastavi i kako je vršnjačka podrška poprilično pozitivno ocijenjena. Pokazalo se da velik broj škola ima loše materijalne uvjete rada te da u riječkim školama ne djeluje dovoljan broj asistenata, a oni koji su i zaposleni nisu dovoljno angažirani u nastavi. Dakle, pokazano je kako uvjeti za provedbu nastave TZK nisu u potpunosti dostatna te kako je potrebno poraditi na brojnim segmentima koji direktno ili indirektno utječu na provedbu nastave TZK.
Abstract (english) The inclusion of children with disabilities in the primary and secondary school education system requires and tends to improve the quality of the educational process for these students. We can undoubtedly identify teachers as the fundamental predictors of the implementation of the quality of teaching. Teachers regularly encounter numerous barriers and challenges in teaching children with disabilities. Therefore, this final paper will examine the most common difficulties faced by Physical and Health Education teachers in Rijeka. By taking into consideration the importance of inclusive education and physical activity for the healthy development of students with disabilities, the goal of this research was to examine primary and secondary school teachers in the area of the city of Rijeka and its immediate surroundings on various issues related to the implementation of Physical and Health Education classes by using an open and closed questionnaire. On the basis of this research, an insight was gained into the overall state and conditions of work at PE classes. In addition to the conducted research, this final paper also includes the topics of institutions for children with disabilities in the area of the city of Rijeka, as well as an analysis of individual disabilities according to the Orientation List of types of disabilities. The results show a satisfactory level of professor's basic competencies and a high level of motivation in work, but also an insufficient level of education about certain difficulties. Likewise, the results point out that students with disabilities are predominantly active in class and that peer support is rated quite positively. It has been shown that a large number of schools has poor material working conditions and that there are not enough assistants in the schools located in Rijeka, and those who are employed are not sufficiently engaged in teaching. Thus, it has been shown that the conditions for the implementation of PE classes are not completely sufficient and that it is necessary to work on numerous segments that directly or indirectly affect the implementation of PE classes.
djeca s teškoćama
inkluzivno obrazovanje
uvjeti rada
tjelesna aktivnost djece
provedba nastave TZK
teškoće u nastavi
Keywords (english)
children with disabilities
inclusive education
working conditions
children's physical activity
implementation of PE teaching
difficulties in teaching
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:393457
Study programme Title: Kinesiology; specializations in: Kinesiology in Education and Track-and-Field, Kinesiology in Education and Fitness, Kinesiology in Education and Wrestling, Kinesiology in Education and Sailing, Kinesiology in Education and Windsurfing, Kinesiology in Education and Judo, Kinesiology in Education and Kayaking, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesiological Recreation, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy, Kinesiology in Education and Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Kinesiology in Education and Basketball, Kinesiology in Education and Football, Kinesiology in Education and Volleyball, Kinesiology in Education and Basic Kinesiological Transformations, Kinesiology in Education and Dancing, Kinesiology in Education and Swimming, Kinesiology in Education and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Handball, Kinesiology in Education and Skiing, Kinesiology in Education and Artistic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Management of Sport, Kinesiology in Education and Tennis, Kinesiology in Education and Rowing Course: Kinesiology in Education and Physical Conditioning of Athletes Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra kineziologije (magistar / magistra kineziologije)
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Created on 2022-10-14 08:50:36