Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između sportskih penjača različitih razina na temelju specifične baterije testova za procjenu motoričkih sposobnosti i morfoloških obilježja. Uzorak se sastojao od 25 penjača različitih razina (dob 30,77±7,39 godina), staž STŽ (7,84±5,86 godina). Tjelesna visina ispitanika iznosila je (179,12±6,13 cm), tjelesna težina (73,97±7,31 kg), postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva (13,24±3,52%). Drugu razinu (II) činili su ispitanici koji su uspješno svladali ocjenu 8a>, treću razinu (III) činili su ispitanici koji su uspješno svladali smjer ocjene 7a-7c+, četvrtu (IV) činili su ispitanici koji su uspješno svladali smjer ocjene 6a-6c+. Varijable koji su statistički bile značajne povezane s obzirom na razinu penjanja u pokazateljima morfoloških karakteristika: opseg natkoljenice AVONAT (p<0,05) dijametar ručnog zgloba ATDRZ (p<0,05). U pokazateljima motoričkih sposobnosti varijable koje su najbolje razdijelile penjače različitih razina su: maksimalan doseg desnom rukom MESMAXDDR (p<0,05); maksimalan doseg s obje ruke MESMAXDOR (p<0,05); maksimalno višenje MJAKMV-aps, (p<0,05); izometričko povlačenje s kutom u zglobu lakta od 90° MIJIP90-aps; (p<0,05), MJAKIDR2-aps); MJAKIP902-ap (p<0,05); MRSZ2 (p<0,05). Fleksibilnost nije bila statistički značajna (p<0.05), iako u nekim situacijama značajno može utjecati na uspjeh. Repetitivna snaga trupa (MRSPN) korelirala je s ispunjanom ocjenom u obje discipline, s većom korelacijom u težinskoj disciplini Razlike između grupa postojale su samo između penjača II i IV razine za (MRSPN)(p<0,05). Utvrđena je vrlo visoka korelacija između MJAKMV i MJAKIP902 (p<0,05), što znači da se test MJAKIP902 može koristiti u svrhu procjenjivanja jakosti prstiju. Krajnji zaključak ovog istraživanja je da penjači veće razine posjeduju veću jakost i snagu ruku, a osobito prstiju. Razlike između morfoloških karakteristika su u manjoj mjeri utjecale na uspješnost. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine the differences between different levels of sports climbers based on the specific tests of motor abilities and morphological characteristics. The sample was consisted of 25 climbers of different levels AGE (30,77±7,39 years), training years (STŽ) (7,84±5,86 years). Body height of examinees was (179,12±6,13 cm), body weight (73,97±7,31 kg), percentage of subcutaneous fat tissue (13,21±3,52%). Variables that were statistically significantly related to the level in the indicators of morphological characteristics: the circumference of the thigh AVONAT (p<0,05), diameter of the wrist ATDRZ (p<0,05). The second level (II) consisted of examinees who successfully climbed 8a, third level (III) was the examinees who successfully climbed 7a-7c +, fourth (IV) were the examinees who successfully climbed 6a-6c+ . In the indicators of the motor abilities, the variables that best separated climbers of different levels are: maximum reach with the right hand MESMAXDDR, (p<0,05), maximum reach with both hands MESMAXDOR, (p<0,05); maximum hang MJAKMV-aps, (p<0,05); isometric pull with elbow angle of 90° MIJIP90-aps; (p<0,05), MJAKIDR2-aps; MJAKIP902-aps; (p<0,05, MRSZ2 (p<0,05). Fleksibility did not correlate with level of climbing, but in some situations it can be crucial. Repetitive strength (MRSPN) correlates with the climbing level in both disciplines, with grater correlation in lead climbing. Difference in levels of climbing were between II i IV group for (MRSPN)(p<0,05). There was a very high correlators between MJAKMV and MJAKIP902 (r=0.93), which means that the test can be used to evaluate finger strength. Final conclusion is that climbers of higher level have more strength and power of arms and especially finger strenght. Differences between morphological characteristics had smaller correlation with performance. |