Title Cjelokupno životno zadovoljstvo vrhunskih sportaša
Title (english) The overall life satisfaction of top athletes
Author Gordana Bjelić
Mentor Ksenija Bosnar (mentor)
Committee member Damir Knjaz (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Babić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Benjamin Perasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology (Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 159.9 - Psychology 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Predmet istraživanja ovoga rada je zadovoljstvo životom vrhunskih sportaša. Postavljene su tri hipoteze: H1: Aktivni sportaši su zadovoljniji svojim životom i u odnosu na sportaše koji razmišljaju o kraju sportske karijere i od sportaša koji su se prestali natjecati. H2: Sportaši ekipnih sportova su zadovoljniji svojim životom nego sportaši individualnih sportova. H3: Sportaši su zadovoljniji svojim životom od sportašica. Uzorak je obuhvatio 301 sportaša, od kojih je 154 sportašica i 147
... More sportaša; 153 iz individualnih i 148 iz ekipnih sportova te 130 aktivnih i 171 bivšeg sportaša. Svi sportaši su osvajači seniorskih medalja za Republiku Hrvatsku, na najvećim natjecanjima: Olimpijske igre, svjetska i europska prvenstva, svjetski i europski kupovi te Mediteranske igre, u periodu od 6 olimpijskih ciklusa; od 1992. godine (Olimpijske igre u Barceloni) do 2012. godine (Olimpijske igre u Londonu). Sportaši su izmjereni (testirani) upitnikom sastavljenim od: standardiziranih i valoriziranih skala, provjerenih na domaćoj populaciji. Odgovarali su na pitanja iz Skale kvalitete življenja (SKŽ), Skale zadovoljstva životom (SZŽ) i Proširene skale životnoga zadovoljstva (ESWL); uz njih i na pitanja vezana uz sociodemodrafska i socioekonomska obilježja; pitanja vezana za status u sportu; pitanja vezana za podršku društva i sportskih organizacija te pitanja o tome što ih privlači, a što odbija od sporta. Svim varijablama upitnika određene su frekvencije odgovora, a svim kvantitativnim varijablama određene su aritmetičke sredine i standardne devijacije. Za sve tri skale napravljena je analiza mjernih svojstava čestica i ukupnoga rezultata. Postojanje razlike među grupama, koje su određene spolom, vrstom sporta te statusom u karijeri, utvrđeno je multivarijatnom trofaktorskom analizom varijance Prosječni rezultati na svim testovima zadovoljstva pokazali su da su sportaši zadovoljni svojim životom. Zadovoljni su i u svim izmjerenim životnim domenama, kao i po svim pitanjima koja se odnose na zadovoljstvo. Analizom varijance nije potvrđena 1. hipoteza, ali je pokazano da su aktivni sportaši i sportaši koji su se prestali natjecati podjednako zadovoljni svojim životom, dok sportaši koji razmišljaju o kraju svoje sportske karijere imaju najniže rezultate na svim testovima zadovoljstva. Rezultati su potvrdili 2. hipotezu. Pokazali su da su sportaši ekipnih sportova značajno zadovoljniji od sportaša individualnih sportova. Treća hipoteza nije potvrđena te se na osnovu rezultata analize varijance može reći da u ovome radu nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike u zadovoljstvu životom s obzirom na spol. Kvalitativnom analizom u vidu polustrukturiranoga intervjua pojašnjeni su nekih od dobivenih rezultata. Analiza i obrada rezultata mjerenja provedena je standardnim programima paketa STATISTICA 64. Less
Abstract (english) The subject of this research is satisfaction with life of top athletes. Three hypotheses are set: H1: Active athletes are more satisfied with their lives than those who think about the end of their sports career and those who have stopped competing. H2: Team sports athletes are more satisfied with their lives than athletes of individual sports. H3: Male athletes are more satisfied with their lives than female athletes. The sample included 301 athletes, of which 154 female athletes and
... More 147 male athletes; 153 out of individual and 148 out of team sports and 130 active and 171 ex-athletes. All athletes have won senior medals for the Republic of Croatia at the biggest competitions: the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, World Cups and European Cups and the Mediterranean Games, during the 6 Olympic Cycle Periods; since the 1992 (Olympic Games in Barcelona) to the 2012 (Olympic Games in London). Athletes filled out a questionnaire composed of standardized and valorized scales, verified in the domestic population. They responded to the issues of the Quality of Life Scale (QOL), the Scale of Life Satisfaction (SLS) and the Extended Satisfaction With Life Scale (ESWL); along with them on issues related to sociodemodraphic and socioeconomic features; issues related to the status of sports; issues related to the support of society and sports organizations and questions about what attracts them and what repelled them. For all the variables of the questionnaire frequency was determined and for all quantitative variables arithmetic meanings and standard deviations were determined. The analysis of measuring properties and total result was made for all three scales. The existence of differences between groups, determined by sex, type of sport and career status, was determined by a multivariate three-factor analysis of variance The average results of all satisfaction tests have shown that athletes are satisfied with their life. They are also happy in all measured life domains, as well as in all aspects of satisfaction. The variance analysis did not confirm the first hypothesis, but it has been shown that active athletes and athletes who have stopped competing are equally satisfied with their lives, while athletes who think about the end of their sports career have the lowest scores on all satisfaction tests. The results confirmed the second hypothesis. They have shown that athletes of team sports are significantly more satisfied than athletes of individual sports. The third hypothesis has not been confirmed, and based on the results of the variance analysis it can be said that no statistically significant gender differences in life satisfaction were found in this paper. Qualitative analysis in the form of semi-structured interviews revealed some of the results obtained. The analysis and processing of the results was carried out by the standard programs of the STATISTICA 64 package. Less
zadovoljstvo životom
vrhunski sportaši
sportska karijera
Keywords (english)
life satisfaction
top athletes
sports career
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:726461
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-12-14 08:15:44