Abstract | Terenski progresivni test opterećenja na zvučni signal jedan je od najjednostavniji i najjeftinijih terenskih testova za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta. Pomoću njega, monitora srčane frekvencije, audio zapisa i obrazaca za bilježenje rezultata mogu se dobiti vrlo kvalitetni rezultati pomoću kojih procjenjujemo aerobni kapacitet, možemo procijeniti anaerobni prag te odrediti zone treniranosti. Progresivnim testom na zvučni signal bez i s loptom izmjereno je 14 nogometaša 1. HNL za juniore (NK Rudeša iz Zagreb 17,2±0,43 godina, tjelesne visine od 181,0±7,1 cm, tjelesne težine 75,57±7,62 kg i godinama treniranja 10,5±1,79 godina). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike između terenskog progresivnog testa opterećenja bez i s loptom. Razina u terenskom progresivnom testu opterećenja na zvučni signal (bez lopte naspram s loptom : 13,09±1,13 naspram 11,22±1,06) bila je za 14,26±4,04%, veća u odnosu s loptom, razlika u prevaljenoj udaljenosti (bez lopte naspram s loptom: 2294,29±287,21 m naspram 1857,14±224,89 m) bez lopte bila je za 18,85±5,38% veća u odnosu s loptom. Maksimalna frekvencija srca (bez lopte naspram s loptom: 193,21±5,99 o/min naspram 191,14±6,97 o/min) bez lopte bila je veća za 1,08±1,24% veća, frekvencija srca kod anaerobnog praga (bez lopte naspram s loptom: 181,21±7,27 o/min naspram 179,07±8,01 o/min) bez lopte bila je veća za 1,74±2,04% u odnosu s loptom. Također maksimalna brzina u testu (bez lopte naspram s loptom: 14,32±0,67 km/h naspram 13,14±0,46 km/h) kao i brzina pri anaerobnom pragu (bez lopte naspram s loptom:11,89±0,68 km/h naspram 11,29±0,67 km/h) bila je veća za 8,17±1,97%, odnosno 6,90±2,54%. Subjektivni osjećaj opterećenja pri anaerobnom pragu (bez lopte naspram s loptom: 5,71±0,73 naspram 5,29±0,47) bez lopte bio je veći za 10,78±10,66%. Maksimalni subjektivni osjećaj opterećenja bez lopte bio je(bez lopte naspram s loptom: 9,50±0,52 naspram 9,43±0,51) veći za 0,56±6,46 te nije dobivena statistički značajna razlika. Rezultati pokazuju kako postoji statistički značajna razlika između terenskog progresivnog testa na zvučni signal bez i s loptom. Lopta je ograničavajući faktor koja povećava zamor igrača tijekom testiranja, treninga i utakmica. Ona utječe na tehničko taktičke zadatke i zahtjeve nogometne igre. Nogometaši na treninzima trebali bi primjenjivati zadatke u kojima se pomoću lopte razvijaju i unapređuju funkcionalne, motoričke, kognitivne sposobnosti i učinkovito rješavaju specifično-situacijski zadaci. |
Abstract (english) | The field incremental test on the sound signal is one of the simplest and cheapest field tests for estimation of aerobic energy capacity. By using it, the heart rate monitor, audio track record and recorder results can be obtained with very high quality results by estimating aerobic energy capacity, estimating the anaerobic threshold, and determining the zone of training. 14 football players of the 1st HNL for juniors were measured with field incremental test on the sound signal with and without the ball (age 17,2±0,43 years, body height 181,0±7,1 cm, body weight 75,57±7,62 kg, experience 10,5±1,79 years). The aim of this study was to determine the differences between the field incremental test with and without the ball. The level in the field incremental test without the ball (without ball versus with ball: 13,09 ± 1,13 versus 11,22 ± 1,06) was higher than with the ball, the difference in covered distance (without the ball versus with the ball: 2294,29 ± 287,21 m versus 1857,14 ± 224,89 m) without the ball was 18,85 ± 5,38% higher than with the ball. The maximum heart rate (without the ball versus with the ball: 193,21 ± 5,99 bpm versus 191,14 ± 6,97 bpm) without the ball was 1,08 ± 1,24% higher than with the ball, the heart rate at anaerobic threshold (without ball over the ball: 181,21 ± 7.27 bpm versus 179,07 ± 8.01 bpm) without the ball was higher 1,74 ± 2,04% than with the ball. Also maximum speed in the test (without the ball versus with the ball: 14,32 ± 0,67 km/h versus 13,14 ± 0,46 km/h) as well as anaerobic treshold speed (without the ball versus with the ball: 11,89 ± 0,68 km/h versus 11,29 ± 0,67 km / h) without the ball was higher 8,17 ± 1,97%, respectively 6,90 ± 2,54% than with the ball. Rated perceived exertion at the anaerobic threshold (without the ball versus ball: 5,71 ± 0,73 versus 5,29 ± 0,47) without the ball was greater 10,78 ± 10,66% than with the ball. The maximum rated perceived exertion (without the ball versus with the ball: 9,50 ± 0,52 versus 9,43 ± 0,51) without the ball was higher 0,56 ± 6,46 than with the ball, which means there was no statistically significant differences. The results show that there is a statistically significant difference between a field progressive test on sound signal without and with the ball. Ball is a limiting factor that increases player fatigue during testing, training and the match. It affects the technical tactical tasks and requirements of the football game. On training football players should apply tasks with the ball which will lead to develop and improve functional, motor, cognitive and specific situations abilities. |