Abstract | Boks se smatra jednim od najzahtijevnih borilačkih sportova. Upravo zbog svoje kompleksnosti, zahtjeva takav pristup u treniranju i pripremanju pojedinaca. Kada govorimo o motoričkim zahtjevima ovoga sporta, kod boksača je potrebno razvijati sve motoričke sposobnosti podjednako. U ovome radu testirali smo dvije skupine boksača različitih težinskih kategorija u motoričkoj sposobnosti eksplozivne snage tipa brzine, skočnosti i bacanja.
Cilj ovog rada jest utvrditi postoji li statistički značajna razlika između boksača u dvije težinske skupine (srednja, od 70kg do 80kg i superteška od 90kg i više) u testovima za procjenu motoričke sposobnosti eksplozivne snage tipa brzine, skočnosti i bacanja. Uzorak ispitanika sastojao se od 20 boksača nacionalnog i internacionalnog ranga (dob=25,3±5,0 godina, tjelesna visina=184,6±9,2 cm, tjelesna težina=85,8±10,6 kg). Svaki ispitanik mjeren je u 33 antropometrijske mjere. Uzorak varijabli obuhvaćao je testove za mjerenje brzine sprinta (vrijeme prolaza na 5 i 10 metara i ukupno vrijeme na 20m), skočnosti mjerenoj u centrimetrima (squat jump, counter movement, CM lijeva noga, CM desna noga, CMJ max skok sa zamahom rukama, skok u dalj i sargent 1) te prosječnu visinu skoka (hf), prosječnu izlaznu snagu (Pavg) i prosječno vrijeme kontakta s podlogom (tcont); 5 skokova iz stopala, CMJ skokovi u 15 sekundi, CMJ skokovi u 45 sekundi i jednoručno bacanje lijevom rukom i desnom rukom iz stojećeg stava sa medicinkom od 3kg u kojem se udaljenost mjeri u decimetrima. Rezultati pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika samo u jednoj mjerenoj varijabli (bacanje medicinke jednoručno desnom rukom), dok u ostalim mjerenim varijablama ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između boksača u dvije težinske skupine. Time smo dokazali da se boksači statistički značajno ne razlikuju u motoričkim sposobnostima eksplozivne snage, s obzirom na razlike u tjelesnoj masi. U trenažnom procesu, plan i program može biti jednak za svakoga boksača bez obzira na kategoriju iz koje dolazi, ali itekako je potreban individualan pristup upravo zbog fizičkih, psihičkih ili genetskih razlika. |
Abstract (english) | Boxing is considered to be one of the most challenging martial arts. Just because of its complexity, it demands such an approach in training and preparing individuals. When talking about the motor capacity of this sport, the boxer needs to develop all the motor skills equaly. In this work we tested two groups of boxers of different weight categories in the motor's ability of speed, jump, and throw type explosive power. The power capability can be used to increase the speed, strength, or ability to deliver the maximum force when performing fast movements. The goal of this work is to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between boxers in two weight groups (middle, 70kg to 80kg and super heavyweight 90kg and above) in the tests for motoric ability of the explosive power type of speed, jumping and throwing. The sample consisted of 20 boxers witch have national and international experience (age = 25.3 ± 5.0 years, body height = 184.6 ± 9.2 cm, body weight = 85.8±10.6 kg). Each examinee was measured in 33 anthropometric measurements. The measured variables included tests for speed of the sprint (time of passage at 5 and 10 meters, total time at 20m), squat jump, counter movement, CM left foot, CM right foot (CMJ max with hand swings, long distance jump and sargent 1) and average height (hf), average output force (Pavg)) and average contact time with floor (tcont); 5 foot jumps, CMJ jumps in 15 seconds , CMJ in 45 seconds and single-handed throw with left and right hands with a 3kg medicine ball, where the distance was measured in decimetres. The results showed that there is a statistically significant difference in only one measured variable (single-handed throw with right hand ), while there are no statistically significant differences between boxers in two weight groups in any of the measured variables. This has proven that the boxers are not statistically different in motor capacities. In training process, the plan and program can be the same for every boxer regardless of the category from which boxer comes, but it needs an individual approach just because of physical, psychological or genetic differences. |