Abstract | Sport i fenomeni vezani za sport sociološki su važni jer su povezani s normama i vrijednostima šireg društva pa se na tom tragu postavlja pitanje uloge sporta kao sredstva stvaranja rodno ravnopravnijih tj. egalitarnijih društvenih odnosa. Koristeći kompleksnu mješovitu metodologiju istražilo se koje su i kakve reakcije studenata i studentica na iskustva bavljenja tipično muškim i tipično ženskim sportom te na koji način takva iskustva mijenjaju stavove o rodnoj ravnopravnosti u sportu i percepciju rodnih uloga. Podatci za kvalitativne dionice istraživanja prikupljeni su polustrukturiranim intervjuima s elementima dubinskog na uzorku dvadeset studenata/ica Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te etnografskom dionicom istraživanja tijekom koje je promatrana jedna grupa studenata na nastavi Ritmičke gimnastike, jedna grupa studenata na nastavi Nogometa, jedna grupa studentica na nastavi Ritmičke gimnastike i jedna grupa studentica na nastavi Nogometa. Tematskom analizom podataka izdvojeno je pet tema, a ključni nalazi ukazuju kako je većina sugovornika/ica svjesna rodne tipizacije sportova, utjecaja medija na popularizaciju sporta i marginalizaciju žena u sportu. Sugovornici/ce podržavaju majčinstvo profesionalnih sportašica i njihov povratak na sportske terene nakon poroda. O tome kakav je nastavni plan i program za studentice i studente Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu sugovornici/ce ne razmišljaju. Zadatke koje dobivaju tijekom studija ispunjavaju bez pogovora, ne analiziraju i ne propitkuju te su u svakom trenutku usmjereni na postizanje cilja – polaganje ispita. Studenti/ce na nastavu kolegija Nogomet i Ritmička gimnastika dolaze neopterećeni predrasudama o tome je li neki sport više „ženski“ ili „muški“, je li vježbanje na određenom kolegiju prikladno za njih ili nije, je li šut na gol odraz „muškosti“ i jesu li „graciozni“ pokreti dokaz „ženskosti“. U provedbi kvantitativnog dijela istraživanja koristila se metoda ankete te je u dvije točke mjerenja prikupljen 161 valjano ispunjen anketni upitnik. Rezultati kvantitativnih dionica istraživanja pokazuju da sudionici/ce ovog istraživanja, nakon sudjelovanja u tipično muškom i tipično ženskom sportu, pokazuju manje egalitarne stavove prema rodnoj ravnopravnosti sportu. Stavovi o rodnim ulogama na podskalama rodna radna egalitarnost i reproduktivna prava nisu se mijenjali dok su promjene u smjeru rodne neravnopravnosti detektirane na podskalama tradicionalizam i obrazovno-profesionalna egalitarnost. Studentice i u prvom i u drugom valu istraživanja pokazuju egalitarnije stavove od studenata kako prema rodnoj ravnopravnosti sportu tako i prema rodnim ulogama. Na skali rodne neravnopravnosti u sportu i na svim podskalama rodnih stavova nema statistički značajne razlike između sudionika koji su upisali/odslušali kolegij Nogomet i onih koji su upisali/odslušali kolegij Ritmička gimnastika. U radu su utvrđeni prediktori rodne ravnopravnosti u sportu i rodnih stavova. Jedini prediktor rodne ravnopravnosti u sportu pokazao se spol. Studentice iskazuju egalitarnije stavove o rodnoj ravnopravnosti u sportu. Prediktor rodnih stavova na svim podskalama je spol dok se religijsko uvjerenje i godina studija pokazuju kao prediktori reproduktivnih prava te veličina naselja u kojoj su sudionici proveli veći dio života kao prediktor tradicionalnih rodnih stavova. |
Abstract (english) | Sport and phenomena related to sport are sociologically important because they are connected to the norms and values of the wider society, so the question of the role of sport as a means of creating more gender-equal, i.e. more egalitarian social relations arises in this direction. Using a complex mixed methodology, the kind of reactions male and female students have to the experiences of playing typically male and typically female sports were investigated, and also how such experiences change attitudes about gender equality in sports and the perception of gender roles. Data for the qualitative parts of the research were collected through semi-structured interviews with in-depth elements on a sample of twenty students of the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, and the ethnographic part of the research, during which one group of male students was observed in Rhythmic Gymnastics classes, one group of male students in Football classes, one group of female students in Rhythmic Gymnastics classes and one group of female students in Football classes. The thematic analysis of the data identified five topics: 1. Men's and women's sports, media, female athletes, 2. Curriculum of the Faculty of Kinesiology – everyone everything 3.Football classes 4. Rhythmic Gymnastics classes and 5. After taking the Football and Rhythmic Gymnastics courses. The interviewees are aware of the gender typification of sports, the influence of the media on the popularization of sports and the marginalization of women in sports. Particularly egalitarian views were expressed on the topic of motherhood and sports. The interviewees support the motherhood of professional athletes and their return to sports fields after childbirth. The interviewees do not think about what the curriculum is like for male and female students of the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Zagreb. They complete the tasks they receive during their studies without question, they do not analyze or question them, and they are always focused on achieving the goal - passing the exam. Students come to Football and Rhythmic Gymnastics classes unencumbered by prejudices about whether a sport is more "feminine" or "masculine", whether practicing within a certain course is suitable for them or not, whether shooting at a goal is a reflection of "masculinity" and whether "graceful" movements are a proof of "femininity". In the implementation of the quantitative part of the research, a survey method was used, an online survey technique using the Microsoft Forms tool, at two measurement points - at the beginning of the research and after fifteen weeks of the Football and Rhythmic Gymnastics courses attended by the participants. In total, 161 validly completed questionnaires were collected at both measurement points, which were used in further analyses. The results of the quantitative parts of the research show that after participating in typically male and typically female sports, participants show less egalitarian attitudes towards gender equality in sports and that female students in both the first and second waves of the research show more egalitarian attitudes towards gender equality in sports than male students. On the gender inequality scale in sports, there is no statistically significant difference between the participants who enrolled in/finished the Football course and those who enrolled in/finished the Rhythmic Gymnastics course. Attitudes towards gender roles on the subscales of gender work egalitarianism and reproductive rights did not change after participating in typically male and typically female sports in the total sample, while changes towards gender inequality were detected on the subscales of traditionalism and educational-professional egalitarianism. Female students expressed more egalitarian attitudes related to gender than male students in both the first and second waves of the study. No statistically significant differences were found between participants who enrolled in/finished the Football course and those who enrolled in/finished the Rhythmic Gymnastics course on the gender attitudes subscales. Predictors of gender equality in sport and gender attitudes were determined in the paper. Sex proved to be the only predictor of gender equality in sport, but also a predictor of gender attitudes on all subscales. This finding suggests that female students are more likely to express gender egalitarian attitudes than male students. Religious belief and year of study were shown to be predictors of reproductive rights; participants in higher years of study and those who are mostly non-religious express more egalitarian attitudes towards women's reproductive rights. The size of the settlement where the participants spent most of their lives proved to be a significant predictor of traditional gender attitudes, where participants from smaller settlements were more likely to express traditional gender attitudes. |