Author Luka Franjić
Mentor Saša Janković (mentor)
Committee member Saša Janković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Prlenda (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Ružić Švegl (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Jedriličarski sport uključuje niz natjecateljskih formata jedrenja koji su odobreni od strane raznih jedriličarskih federacija i jedriličarskih klubova. Jedrenje je uzbudljiv i avanturistički sport, ali također dolazi s dobrim udjelom potencijalnih ozljeda. Jedriličari amateri svih uzrasta bave se jedrenjem radi vježbe i uživanja ili s ciljem bavljenja profesionalno u budućnosti, dok se profesionalni jedriličari natječu. Za sve, jedrenje može biti fizički zahtjevno, zahtijevajući agilnost i fleksibilnost. Neki sportovi opterećuju gornji dio tijela, neki donji dio tijela, dok jedrenje utječe na cijelo tijelo. Kao rezultat toga, jedriličari svih razina su u opasnosti od ozljeda. Iskustvo i mentorstvo dva su glavna čimbenika koji mogu pomoći jedriličarima amaterima da izbjegnu ozljede. Ozljede mogu biti posljedica nedostatke opće kondicije, prenaprezanja, pretreniranosti ili makrotraumatskih nezgoda. Nedostatak zagrijavanja, istezanja i hlađenja također može povećati rizik od ozljeda. Mišići su izloženi velikom riziku pri izvođenju eksplozivnih, snažnih pokreta, poput onih koji su često potrebni tijekom jedrenja. Ozljede ovise o fizičkim zahtjevima koji se postavljaju pred jedriličara. Ovisno o vrsti jedrilice i vrsti jedrenja, položaju posade i uvjetima okoline, stope ozljeda, mehanizmi ozljeda i vrste ozljeda značajno variraju. Ozljede u jedrenju mogu se raščlaniti na ozljede prema vrsti plovila, ozljede prema klasi jedrenja te na ozljede prema spolnim razlikama i okolišnim čimbenicima. Ozljede prema vrsti plovila dijele se na manja plovila, plovila s pomičnom kobilicom i veća plovila, plovila s nepomičnom kobilicom. Ozljede prema klasi jedrenja podijeljene su na jedrenje u olimpijskoj klasi, početničko i rekreativno jedrenje, jedrenje za osobe s invaliditetom, jedrenje na dasci, Američki kup i offshore utrke. Neophodno je informirano podučavanje jedriličara o pravilnoj tehnici visokorizičnih aktivnosti. Prevencija ozljeda može imati za cilj podizanje sposobnosti ili otpornosti jedriličara, smanjenje vanjskog stresa ili kombinaciju oba. Odgovarajuća podrška i smjernice koje se daju jedriličarima mogu povećati njihovu sposobnost i osigurati da nisu izloženi pretjeranim stresorima. To može uključivati treniranje i fizičku pripremu, sportsku znanost, sportsku medicinu te psihološku i socijalnu podršku.
Abstract (english) The sport of sailing includes a number of competitive sailing formats that are sanctioned by various sailing federations and sailing clubs. Sailing is an exciting and adventurous sport, but it also comes with its fair share of potential injuries. Amateur sailors of all ages sail for practice and enjoyment or with the goal of doing it professionally in the future, while professional sailors compete. For everyone, sailing can be physically demanding, requiring agility and flexibility. Some sports stress the upper body, some lower body, while sailing affects the whole body. As a result, sailors of all skill levels are at risk of injury. Experience and mentorship are two major factors that can help amateur sailors avoid injury. Injuries can be the result of a lack of general fitness, overuse, overtraining or macrotraumatic accidents. Lack of warm-up, stretching and cool-down can also increase the risk of injury. Muscles are at great risk when performing explosive, powerful movements, such as those often required while sailing. Injuries depend on the physical demands placed on the sailor. Depending on the type of sailboat and type of sailing, crew position and environmental conditions, injury rates, injury mechanisms and types of injuries vary significantly. Injuries in sailing can be divided into injuries according to the type of vessel, injuries according to the class of sailing, and injuries according to gender differences and environmental factors. According to the type of vessel, injuries are divided into smaller vessels, dinghies and larger vessels, vessels with a keel. Injuries by sailing class are divided into Olympic class sailing, beginner and recreational sailing, sailing for people with disabilities, windsurfing, America's Cup and offshore racing. Informed instruction of sailors on the proper technique of high-risk activities is necessary. Injury prevention may aim to increase the sailor's ability or resilience, reduce external stress, or a combination of both. Appropriate support and guidance given to sailors can increase their ability and ensure that they are not exposed to excessive stressors. This may include coaching and physical preparation, sports science, sports medicine, and psychological and social support.
ozljede u jedrenju
prevencija ozljeda
Keywords (english)
sailing injuries
injury prevention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:198585
Study programme Title: Kinesiology; specializations in: Kinesiology in Education and Track-and-Field, Kinesiology in Education and Fitness, Kinesiology in Education and Wrestling, Kinesiology in Education and Sailing, Kinesiology in Education and Windsurfing, Kinesiology in Education and Judo, Kinesiology in Education and Kayaking, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesiological Recreation, Kinesiology in Education and Kinesitherapy, Kinesiology in Education and Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Kinesiology in Education and Basketball, Kinesiology in Education and Football, Kinesiology in Education and Volleyball, Kinesiology in Education and Basic Kinesiological Transformations, Kinesiology in Education and Dancing, Kinesiology in Education and Swimming, Kinesiology in Education and Rhythmic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Handball, Kinesiology in Education and Skiing, Kinesiology in Education and Artistic Gymnastics, Kinesiology in Education and Management of Sport, Kinesiology in Education and Tennis, Kinesiology in Education and Rowing Course: Kinesiology in Education and Sailing Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/sveučilišna magistar/magistra kineziologije u edukaciji (sveučilišni/sveučilišna magistar/magistra kineziologije u edukaciji)
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Created on 2024-09-25 09:49:56