Abstract | Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi utječe li progresivno fiziološko opterećenje na promjene u određenim kinematičkim parametrima kod izvođenja skok šuta za dva i tri poena u košarci. Promatran je utjecaj umora na visinu skoka, vrijeme trajanja leta, trajanje kontakta s podlogom i amortizacije kroz faze koncentrične i ekscentrične kontrakcije u odnosu sa trajanjem šuta, kutom u ramenu te kutom pada lopte u koš. U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 6 ispitanika, članova Hrvatske košarkaške reprezentacije prosječne starosti 16,46 ± 0,71 god., tjelesne visine 188,88 ± 5,09 cm, tjelesne mase 80,71 ± 2,06 kg i potkožnog masnog tkiva 11,96 ± 2,14%. Dobivenim rezultatima određeni su deskriptivni pokazatelji (Min, Max, Mean, Sd), a univarijantnom analizom (ANOVA) za ponovljena mjerenja utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike pod utjecajem progresivnog fiziološkog opterećenja kod šuta za dva poena u visini skoka (F=10.16, p<0,00), trajanju faze leta (F=9.53, p<0,00), trajanju kontakta s podlogom (F=15.20, p <0.00) te u trajanju koncentrične faze kontrakcije (F=20.91, p<0.00). Kod šuta za tri poena uočena je razlika u visini skoka (F=9.09, p<0,00), trajanju faze leta (F=10.29, p<0,00), trajanju kontakta s podlogom (F=18.22, p <0.00), trajanju koncentrične faze kontrakcije (F=11.65, p<0.00) te u trajanju ekscentrične kontrakcije (F=5.96, p<0.02). |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this study was to determine whether a progressive physiological load affects changes in certain kinematic parameters when performing a two and three-points jump shot in basketball. The effect of fatigue on jump height, duration of the flight phase, and duration of contact with the ground, amortization angle were observed through the concentric and eccentric contraction phases with respect to the duration of the shot, the shoulder angle and the angle at which the ball enters the basket. In this study, 6 participants were members of the Croatian national basketball team with an average age 16,46 ± 0,71 y, body height of 188.88 ± 5.09 cm, body mass of 80.71 ± 2.06 kg and subcutaneous fat tissue of 11.96 ± 2.14%. Descriptive indicators (Min, Max, Mean, Sd) were obtained and the anova for repeated measures showed statistically significant differences in jump height (F=10.16, p<0,00), duration of the flight phase (F=9.53, p<0,00), duration of contact with the ground (F=15.20, p <0.00) and duration of the concentric contraction phase (F=20.91, p<0.00) under the influence of progressive physiological load for two-points shots. And in the three-points shot the difference in jump height (F=9.09, p<0,00), duration of the flight phase (F=10.29, p<0,00), duration of contact with the ground (F=15.20, p <0.00) and duration of the concentric contraction phase (F=11.65, p<0.00) and finally with the duration of the eccentric contraction (F=5.96, p<0.02). |