Sažetak | Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: utvrđivanje stupnja pouzdanosti operacionalno definiranih parametara, utvrđivanje povezanosti pokazatelja natjecateljske izvedbe s konačnim ishodom utakmice i natjecanja, utvrđivanje razlika između pobjedničkih i poraženih ekipa u definiranim pokazateljima natjecateljske izvedbe, te utvrđivanje minimalnog broja utakmica potrebnih za dobivanje stabilnih profila izvedbe u definiranim pokazateljima natjecateljske izvedbe. Za potrebe istraživanja analizirano je 50 ... Više utakmica Prve hrvatske malonogometne lige u sezoni 2015/16. Notirani su pokazatelji izvedbe za fazu obrane i napada, pokazatelji prekida, prekršaja, opomena i isključenja igrača te pokazatelji izvedbe za vratara. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđena je visoka mjera unutarnjeg slaganja notatora za razlike koje je prikupio isti notator u dva navrata u gotovo svim varijablama. Iznimku čine varijable konstruktivno i kritično dodavanje te izbijanje lopte, u kojima je utvrđena srednja pouzdanost. Na temelju koeficijenata korelacije pokazatelja situacijske efikasnosti s konačnim ishodom utakmica i natjecanja utvrđene su značajne povezanosti primanja i dodavanja lopte, postignutih i primljenih pogodaka, udaraca prema vratima, asistencija, iznuđenih žutih kartona, neuspješnog ubacivanja lopte u igru nogom i blokiranih udaraca. Analizom razlika aritmetičkih sredina između pobjedničkih i poraženih ekipa utvrđene su značajne razlike u varijablama primanja i dodavanja lopte, kritičnog dodavanja lopte, postignutih pogodaka, asistencija, udaraca prema vratima i neuspješnog ubacivanja lopte u igru nogom. Minimalan broj analiziranih utakmica potreban za dobivanje stabilnog profila izvedbe je između 8 i 10 utakmica za pokazatelje izvedbe primanje lopte, dodavanje lopte i udarce prema vratima, između 11 i 13 utakmica za varijable driblinzi, asistencije, blokirani udarci, obrane vratara, prekršaji i žuti kartoni te između 13 i 15 utakmica za udarce iz kuta, ubacivanje lopte u igru nogom, kritično dodavanje, crveni kartoni i konstruktivno dodavanje. Sakrij dio sažetka |
Sažetak (engleski) | The research objectives were next: to determine the degree of reliability for operationally defined performance indicators; to determine the correlation of performance indicators regarding the outcome of matches and competition (placement of the team); to determine the differences between winning and losing teams in performance indicators, and to determine the minimum of matches required to obtain a stable players and team’s profiles for defined performance indicators. Fifty first Croatian ... Više Futsal League matches in the season 2015/2016 were analysed with performance indicators (variables) for the defensive phase, attacking phase, performance indicators for goalkeepers indicators and performance indicators for interruptions, violations, warnings and suspensions of a players. Intra-observer variability for the differences between the data collected by the same notator on two occasions for almost all the variables was high (> 90%), while moderate reliability (70 to 90%) was obtained for the variables: key passes (77%), critical passes (86%) and ball clearances (85%). No low variability (< 70%) has been noted. Based on the correlation coefficients for performance indicators with the final outcome of the competition in certain variables had been showed significant correlations. In variables: goals achieved (r= 0,819), successful ball receiving (r= 0,804), successful passing (r= 0,914), assist (r= 0,739), left foot shots (r= 0,690), middle of the foot shots (r= 0,587), inside of the foot shots (r= 0,539) and outside of the foot shots (r= 0,628) relatively high positive correlation of these variables with the final outcome in the competition had been shown. Correlation coefficients in variables: goals received (r= -0,797), blocking (r= -0,633), extracted yellow cards (r= -0,678) and unsuccessful ball throwing (r= -0,617) demonstrates highly negative correlation of this variables with the final standings. Other correlation coefficients values in variables ball clearances (r= 0,17), balls taken (r= -0,09), balls cut (r= -0,39), corners (r= 0,39), fouls (r= -0,33), red cards (r= 0,46) and dribbling (r= 0,03) did not showed significant correlation with the final outcome in the competition. Correlation coefficient values for goalkeeper's defences (r= 0,43) showed no significant correlation with the final outcome.
Based on the differences among arithmetic means between winning and losing team in t- test and Mann Whitney test significant differences between the teams had been shown in listed variables: successful ball received (z= 2,18; p= 0,03), successful passing (z= 3,88; p= 0,00), critical passing (z= - 2,34; p= 0,02), shoots (z= 2,99; p= 0,00), goals achieved (z= 5,42; p= 0,00), assist (z= 4,43; p= 0,00) and unsuccessful ball throwing (z= -1,71; p= 0,03). Statistically significant differences between winning and lossing teams had not been shown for the variables: unsuccessful ball received (z= 0,34; p= 0,73); unsuccessful passing (z= 0,39; p= 0,70); constructive passing (z= 0,84; p= 0,40); dribbling- successful (z= 0,06; p= 0,96) – unsuccessful (z= 1,22; p= 0,22); corner kick (z= 0,68; p= 0,49); fouls (z= 0,95; p= 0,34); yellow cards (z= 0,01; p= 0,99); red cards (z= 0,97; p= 0,33); successful ball throwing (z= 0,34; p= 0,74); blocking (z= 1,32; p= 0,19), ball clearances (z= 1,14; p= 0,26), ball cuts (z= 0,06; p= 0,96) and balls taken (z= 1,66; p= 0,09). Statistically significant difference between winning and losing teams had not been shown for goalkeepers defence (z= 0,11; p= 0,91).
To determine consistent profiles of competition performance in performance indicators a minimum different number of analysed matches are needed for each variable. For ball receiving, passing and shoots on goal between 8 to 10 matches. For indicators dribbling, assist, blockings, goalkeepers defences, fouls and yellow cards between 11 and 13 matches needed. For corner kicks, throw ins, critical passes and red cards 13 to 14 matches with minimum of 15 matches for constructive passes. Notational system designed in presented way is reliable, relevant and consistent to obtain information related to situational efficiency of players/ teams and performance analysis in futsal. Sakrij dio sažetka |